Srinagar, 24 Oct 2021. The screening of four films produced by 11 young Kashmiri minds under the mentorship of Mr Onir, a renowned Bollywood Director, was held at Chinar Corps Headquarter, Badami Bagh Cantt, Srinagar today. These 11 Kashmiri youth, which included a girl, were introduced to short Film Making through a workshop conducted in Handwara from 27 to 31 Aug 2021 in a joint effort of Indian Army and Mr Onir. These local youth were shortlisted for the workshop after a grueling selection process in which Mr Onir was personally involved. During the workshop, the participants were given exposure to the nuances of making of a short film. The selected youth were divided into four teams and they selected different themes of their choice for making these four amazing short films, which were shot at various locations in North Kashmir. The themes selected for the short films were women empowerment, mother-daughter relationship, Tajamul Isram – the world kickboxing champion and old times when cinema halls were open in Kashmir & views of today’s generation on the same.
The event was graced by Lieutenant General DP Pandey, General Officer Commanding Chinar Corps, Army Officials and young budding talents of North Kashmir. During the screening, the entire gathering remained spell bound to the videos, appreciating the creativity and efforts of the participants, Mr Onir and his team.
Lieutenant General DP Pandey appreciated the efforts put in by Mr Onir, his team and the participants. He advised the participants to further hone their skills which they have acquired during the workshop and keep working towards the betterment of the society. He expressed his happiness to see young enthusiastic minds enthralling the audience with their performance. He re-iterated that film making is an art that spreads happiness all around.