On Friday morning, actress Katrina Kaif took to social media and gave a glimpse of her ‘first rasoi’ after her wedding with Vicky Kaushal. The duo got married on December 9 in Rajasthan with only close friends and family members in attendance.
Soon after Katrina put up a picture of the sweet dish, Vicky was quick to post a picture on his Instagram handle too. He was all praise for the halwa made by his lovely wife.
Sharing a picture on his Instagram story, Vicky wrote, “Best halwa ever!!!” followed by kiss emojis. In the picture, he can be seen holding a bowl of halwa in his hand. Have a look:
Katrina also shared a picture of the halwa and proudly captioned it, “ Maine banaya’ with an arrow pointing towards the bowl. She also wrote, “Chaunka chardhana.” It is a ritual where the newly married woman cooks a sweet dish for the first time in the new house. Have a look:
The couple kept their relationship under wraps till they sealed the deal. They shared the wedding pictures on social media and made their it official. Meanwhile, the lovebirds are expected to work in a commercial soon. An industry source told ETimes, “Vicky and Katrina have apparently been offered a health product and will be shooting for it very soon.”
On the personal front, the couple is expected to host a reception for their industry friends soon.