Manasbal Sect RR under the aegis of Headquarters CIF Kilo organised a Student Exchange Program under which the students various schools of Jammu and Kashmir areas of the UT, got an opportunity to visit Kashmir and Jammu respectively. In the phase II of the conduct, 30 students (11 boys and 19 girls) accompanied by 2 teachers from Kashmir visited Jammu wef 25-28 December 21. Similarly, during the phase I of the conduct, students from Jammu had visited Kashmir wef 11-14 December 21. Various events were conducted during the course of the conduct of the Student Exchange Program.
25 December 21
During the first day of conduct, the students were seen off from AGS, Margund and started for Jammu. Later in the afternoon over Lunch the students interacted with the Commanding Officer and Jawans of the Banihal Battalion.
26 December 21
During the second day of their visit to Jammu, the students visited Bagh-e-Bahu Aquarium, which is the largest underground aquarium in the country. Later in the afternoon they visited Amar Mahal Palace and Museum and Maharaja Hari Singh Park.
27 December 21
During the third day of their visit to Jammu, the students interacted with Brigade Commander, Shivalik Brigade over a cup of tea. Subsequently, they visited Surinsar Lake & Zoo, Mansar Lake and Balidaan Stambh.
28 December 21
During the fourth day of conduct, the students were seen off from Jammu and started for Kashmir. Later in the afternoon, a Cultural Program was organised for the students by Banihal Battalion.
The students felt ecstatic to be part of the Student Exchange Program. It was an enriching experience for the students from Jammu & Kashmir regions of the UT, as they got an insight to the vibrant culture and traditions of the respective regions. The experience of the Student Exchange Program and their respective visits to Jammu and Kashmir regions will forever be etched in their memories.