Srinagar, Mar 29 Reacting to reports that people are struggling to get essential commodities, including vegetables, mike and medicines, in view of lock down to curtail spread of Coronavirus, former chief minister Omar Abdullah on Sunday asked administration to find a balance between restrictions and allowing people to access essentials.“Hearing from various parts of Srinagar, probably true for other parts of J&K as well. People are struggling to access essential supplies like vegetables, milk & medicines because of the way the lockdown is being enforced,” Mr Abdullah, who was released last week after remaining under detention for over eight months, wrote on twitter.“I would urge the administration to urgently intervene & find a balance between the necessary lockdown & the vital need to allow people to access essential supplies. @kansalrohit69 @listenshahid,” he added.Restrictions on movement and assembly of people continued for the eleventh successive day on Sunday even as locals voluntarily stayed indoors in view of an upward spiral in positive Coronavirus cases and death of another infected patient during the last 24 hours.
As many as 17 persons were tested positive for Coronavirus during the last 24 hours in J&K, where a 65-year-old infected person died on Sunday at a government hospital in the valley, taking the death toll to two. In total, 37 people have tested positive for Coronavirus so far in J&K, where all religious places have been closed to curtail spread of the virus.
Asking people not be scared of the number, Deputy Commissioner Srinagar Shahid Iqbal Choudhary urged people to redouble efforts to win the battle against Coronavirus. “Now the situation as it unfolds is before us. My humble request to everyone: let’s not get scared by numbers, let’s redouble our efforts to win this battle together,” Dr Choudhary twitted.