Jammu: 30 Mar 2020 In the ongoing lockdown, 13 daily wagers were stranded near village Rajdhani, Tehsil Manjakote, District Rajouri(J&K). These daily wagers due to the shutdown ran out of food, water and other basic amenities.
Indian Army tracked the stranded labourers, reached the location and provided them with supplies including rations, water, soap, medicines and coronavirus protection kit which included masks, gloves and hand sanitizers. They were also educated on precautionary measures to be followed to prevent COVID-19. The civil administration also assured of full assistance to these daily wagers.
The gesture of Army was well received and appreciated by the local populace.
Lt Col Devender Anand
PRO (Defence)
0191 – 2578963
PRO/Jammu/ 274/Mar/2020