Deputy Commissioner (DC) Srinagar Shahid Choudhary Wednesday said that the markets outside containment zones could reopen if the traders and customers adhere to the prescribed guidelines.
Talking to media persons after holding a meeting with the traders, Choudhary said, as per the protocol, no markets would be allowed to open in the 88 containment zones.
“However, areas which fall outside the restricted zones can operate if guidelines will be followed properly,” he said.
On July 13, restrictions on public movement and activities were imposed in 88 areas notified as COVID-19 ‘red’ zones in Srinagar after a sharp spike in positive cases was reported in the district during the past couple of weeks. The decision to impose restrictions was taken after recommendations of experts and is aimed at containing the further spread of COVID-19 pandemic. “We have made it amply clear that there will be no commercial activity in containment zones unless the number of cases declines in such areas,” Choudhary said. “However, areas which are beyond containment zones will adopt the guidelines following which the markets can reopen.” Choudhary said there was a need to strike a balance between the economic revival and protecting people’s lives.
J&K was been witnessing an abrupt rise in the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths after the government announced Unlock to revive the economic activity in the region.
On the request of the traders that there should be some relaxation for the upcoming Eid festival, Choudhary said the parameters to allow economic activity in non-containment zones was subject to the willingness of people to follow the protocol that include wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, and using hand sanitizers.
“We will deliberate with the health experts and all the stakeholders to consider this request,” he said.
Srinagar administration has de-notified at least 24 areas of the district earlier notified as red zones.