Today, Lassa Khan Fida Foundation and Gulshan Cultural Forum Kashmir organised the first anniversary celebrations of Khan Bashir Ahmed Ibne Lassa Khan Fida. Gulshan Majeed, Patron of Lassa Khan Fida Foundation presided over the ceremony in honor of the first anniversary of Janab Khan Bashir Ahmed, the second son of Lassa Khan Fida at ziyarat Hazrat Lassa Khan Fida Islamabad here in.South Kashmir. The ceremony was attended by the persons from the current Qadri Fazli. Tribute to the late Khan Bashir Ahmed. Many personalities spoke on the life and deeds of the late Fida.
Gulshan Badrani, Farooq Ahmed Raina, Feroz Ahmed, Ghulam Hassan cenderseer, Manzoor Ahmed Pasho, Hilal Ahmed Ganaie, Riyaz Ahmed, Abdul Rahim and Sanaullah Lone.
In the initial signs and at the same time a gathering, in.addition to Durood Azkar, Muhammad Yaqub Veri and his brothers presented speeches of Mr. Lassa Khan Fida and other Sufi poets. The hearing continues throughout the night.