Panic gripped in Damhal Hanjipora village of South Kashmir’s Kulgam district after leopard injured seven people in the village. A police official told wire service that a leopard attacked people at Khud Hanjipora village and injured seven persons identified as Abdul Hamid Dar, son of Mohammad Wali Dar, Aashiq Hussain Naik, son of Amin Naik, Yawar Shah, son of Reyaz Ahmad Shah, Mashooq Ahmad Shah, son of Seeraj Din Shah, Mohammad Amin, son of Bashir Ahmad, Aatullah Naik, son of Bashir Naik, Sayar Ahmad Naik, son of Mohammad Yousuf Naik all from Khud Hanjipora. All the seven injured persons were shifted to PHC Manzgam for treatment. Meanwhile, the leopard was later killed by the locals, officials said. Sheeraz Ahmad, a local from Noorabad told, “We repeatedly informed Wild Life Department about the movement of wild animals in the area, but no action was initiated,” Pertinently, three days ago two persons including a girl were mauled by a Leopard in the same village