Ganderbal, Jan 27: BJP General Secretary Ashok Koul on Friday joined BJP Ganderbal unit at a local school to listen PM Modi’s Pariksha pe Charcha 2023 live. Ashok Koul in his address to school children told them to be strong and ready for exams, leave stress. Pariksha Pe Charcha is part of the larger movement ‘Exam Warriors’ led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, to create a stress-free atmosphere for youngsters. It is a movement that is driven by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s efforts to bring together students, parents, teachers and the society to foster an environment where the unique individuality of each child is celebrated, encouraged and allowed to express itself fully Inspiring this movement is Prime Minister. The Prime Minister urges everyone to put exams in the right perspective, rather than making it a life-and-death situation punctuated by undue stress and pressure. Ashok Koul in his speech told students that students are pillars and foundation of future and they need to be strong, wise and gain knowledge to make India a super power in future. He added that the students are investment that this generation leadership is investing and therefore the best education need to be imparted. Ashok Koul also encouraged the local students by his energetic speech. On this visit of Ashok Koul, BJP District President Unit Ganderbal told media that it is our honour to host Ashok Koul on this event. Students enjoyed his presence and Ashok Koul is always a charismatic personality. The event was joined by the event coordinator for BJP and national executive member of BJYM Bilal Parray who successfully conducted the events since a month now. The event was also joined District Incharge Mushtaq Noorabadi, Central Kashmir Arif Raja, District President Mohammad Amin Shah, senior leaders like Sheikh Abdul Rasheed, ex-president Ganderbal Ghulam Hassan and other office bearer and members.