Mrs World 2022 Sargam Koushal, on Thursday, met Jammu & Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha at the Raj Bhawan after her grand win. During the meeting, the Lt Governor congratulated Sargam for her achievement, and she shared her upcoming initiatives for women’s empowerment and awareness of substance abuse. She was accompanied by her parents. In December last year, Sargam Koushal brought back the crown to India after 21 years by becoming Mrs World 2022, besting contestants from 63 countries. Hailing from Jammu & Kashmir, Sargam also won the Mrs India World 2022-23 back in June this year, which led her to represent India internationally. Earlier, in 2001, actor-model Aditi Govitrikar brought home the Mrs World title to India. Mrs World, the first pageant for married women, was established in 1984. It was first known as Mrs Woman of the World before being renamed Mrs World in 1988. More than 80 nations have entered Mrs World over the years, with Americans producing the majority of the victors. (ANI)