Ganderbal, March 30: BJP team of district Ganderbal visited today the temple of Mata Kheer Bhawani Tullamulla. The Ragnya Devi temple is a Hindu temple situated at a distance of 25 kilometres from the capital Srinagar. It is dedicated to the Hindu goddess Kheer Bhavani constructed over a sacred spring. On the occasion of Ram Navami the district team visited the temple to extend their greetings to District Deputy Commissioner Mr. Shyambir and the hindu devotees. Rama Navami is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birthday of Rama, the seventh avatar of the deity Vishnu. The team of BJP District Ganderbal that extend their greetings to all Indians are District President Mohammed Amin Shah, District Vice-Presidents Abid Hussain Bhat, Reyaz Ahmad Lone, Ruheena Shehzad, Fayaz Ahmad Dar, Imtiyaz Ahmad Tantary, Abid Hussain Bhat, Azmat Hussain Khan. District General Secretaries Er. Aijaz Ahmad Rather and Manzoor Ahmad Bhat. District Secretaries, Syed Ali Asgar Rizwi, Irshad Ahmad Sheikh, Shabir Ahmad Mir, Javaid Ahmad Sheikh, Javaid Ahmad Tantary, Constituency President Kangan Javaid Ahmad Ganchoo and his team. Constituency President Ganderbal Ghulam Mohammad Bhat and his team, District Media/IT Incharge Shadab Peerzada.Vistarak Shah Ahmad Shah President Minority Morcha Shabir Ahmad and his team. President Mahila Morcha Shah Kulsuma and her team. President Yuva Morcha Sajad Ahmad Wani and his team. President ST Morcha Mohd Ashraf Khatana and his team
On the occasion District President Mohammad Amin Shah in his statement to media said that, “The famous temple of Tulmulla is one of the important religious places in the state and I request the government to upgrade the structure of the temple. I also request the government to establish a Metro or Tram service from Degree College Ganderbal to Kheer Bawani to Central University. This will fulfil all the purpose of transportation in the town. Shah also greeted the Indians on the occasion of Ram Navami, he also greeted them on the behalf of General Secretary BJP J&K (UT) Shri Ashok Koul.