An important meet of Bhartiya Janta Party Social Media Department of BJP was held today at Srinagar under the leadership of Party General Secretary Organisation Sh. Ashok Kaul, the meeting was presided over by Spokesperson BJP and Prabari Social Media Cell Thakur Abhijeet Singh Jasrotai, meeting was organised by Billal Parrey National Youth team member & co-incharge Social Media Deportment Jammu and Kashmir and Iqbal Ahmad from Social Media Deportment Kashmir.
In the meet different issues related to the Social media growth of the Bhartiya Janta Party were discussed and it was vowed to take Party forward on Social media in Jammu and Kashmir.
The meeting expressed satisfaction over the growth of the Party in Social media in Jammu and Kashmir.
On the occasion, a road map was drawn to take the Party further forward on Social media horizons.
It was made clear to the social media team that communication platforms such as social media are persuasive, and often work to change or influence opinions when it comes to political views because of the abundance of ideas, thoughts, and opinions circulating through the social media platform. Participants were from all districts of Kashmir Valley, including state executive committee members, district and constituency inchrages.