The Srinagar Traffic police here have announced that the parents of underage motorists will now have to pay of Rs 25,000, besides upto three-year imprisonment for allowing the minors to drive the vehicles.
Sharing details about the action, Superintendent of Police (SP) Traffic, Srinagar City, Muzaffar Shah, told that strict action under the Motor Vehicle Act (MVA) will be taken against the parents of minor children, who are found driving two-wheelers or any other vehicle.
He added that, a fine amount up to Rs 25,000 will be charged and imprisonment up to 3-years for the guardian for allowing minors to drive the vehicle, and besides this, the minor will not be eligible for getting a driving licence till the age of 25 years.
“Strict action will be taken against those who are found violating the law,” said the SP Traffic—(KNO)