A group of 25 students including 16 boys and 09 girls alongwith 02 teachers from Hanu Aryan Valley of the Ladakh region visited The Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry Regimental Centre on 01-02 Nov 2023 for a National Integration Tour under the aegis of Fire & Fury Corps.
An official said these students are visiting outside Ladakh region to the rest of India for the first time, and the aim of the tour is to broaden their horizons by showcasing them various facets of India to gain first hand experience of varied culture, traditions, development, technological & economical advancements across the Nation. This will motivate them to achieve better jobs and careers through education and contribute towards nation building.
He further added that, “during their stay at JAK LI Regimental Centre, the children visited Maqbool Sherwani Museum showcasing the history of Jammu and Kashmir and Hall of Fame, which houses the memoirs and brave stories of the fallen heroes from the Regiment.”
“A motivational and educational movie on the history and background of the Regiment was also screened in the auditorium. They later visited an operational unit where display of equipment and interaction with frontline troops was organised,” added the official.
Moreover, “the tour included interaction of children with all ranks of the Regimental Centre to educate and motivate them towards better career avenues in the Armed Forces. During the interaction, they were motivated towards National Integration and were advised to contribute towards nation building.”
Also, “the youth and their teachers expressed their gratitude to the Indian Army for giving them an insight to the rich tradition and career avenues in the Armed Forces.” (Kashmir Bulletin–KB)