Jammu, Sep13: A complaint regarding financial fraud to the tune of Rs.1,70,000/- was received in cyber cell Jammu in which fraudster makes family relations with the victim and asked for financial help and victim lost hard earned money. In another complaint, the complainant received a Fake call from fraudsters posing himself as a Parcel delivery agent of Amazon and got Rs. 2,14,000/-transacted from his account.In yet another incident a complaint regarding online financial fraud of Rs.96,900/- in which the complainant invested in a AI Server landing platform company and Purchased plans and lost his money.
With the timely intervention and showing the professional excellence meticulously ,Cyber Cell DPO Jammu started timely investigations into the complaints through its professional wings specifically trained for the purpose and within stipulated time the teams constituted for the cause got put on hold an aggregate amount of Rs 4,80,900/- out of Rs.4,80,900/.which otherwise could have been misused and fraudulently transacted for various unfair means.
District Police Jammu, equipped with advanced technology and skilled human resource has been in and around for the common masses to mitigate their grievances in the shortest possible time.