Bollywood actor and producer Gagandeep Singh recently met with Iqbal Singh Lalpura, Chairman of India’s National Commission for Minorities, to discuss pressing issues affecting the Sikh community in Jammu and Kashmir The meeting was deemed a success, with significant progress made in addressing the community’s concerns.
*Key Outcomes of the Meeting:*
– _Sanctioning of Land for Gurudwara Rangreth_: A major achievement from the meeting was the sanctioning of land for the construction of Gurudwara Rangreth, a long-standing demand of the local Sikh community.
– _Addressing Sikh Issues in J&K_: Lalpura and Singh discussed various issues impacting the Sikh community in J&K, including education, employment, and security.
Iqbal Singh Lalpura, a former IPS officer, has been instrumental in promoting minority welfare, particularly for the Sikh community As Chairman of the National Commission for Minorities, he has worked tirelessly to address concerns and promote unity among different religious communities.
Gagandeep Singh, known for his work in Bollywood industry has also been involved in various philanthropic initiatives. His meeting with Lalpura highlights the importance of collaboration between community leaders and government officials in resolving social issues.
The Rangreth Sikh community has expressed gratitude to Lalpura and Singh for their efforts in resolving their long-standing demands. This development is seen as a significant step towards promoting harmony and inclusivity in Jammu and Kashmir.