SRINAGAR, OCTOBER 06: According to the Chief Engineer, Distribution, KPDCL, in order to carry out the branch cutting and necessary maintenance works, the shutdown of 33KV Panzan Ranger Tap Line shall be observed due to which 33/11KV Receiving Station at Ranger and Panzan shall remain off while the power supply to the Rangar, Sogam, Gunidwali, Mehnoor, Gundirajab, Panzan, Godsuthu and Lalgam areas will be affected from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM on 12 November, 2024.
Similarly, in order to carry out laying of ASCR conductor, the shutdown of 33 KV Kulgam Devsar line shall be observed due to which 33/11KV Receiving Stations at Ashmuji, Devsar, Chambgund and Kulgam shall remain off while power supply to the Ashmuji, Kawchi, Devsar, Palo, Sopat, Malwan, Arigutnoo, Chambgund, Kulgam Town, Srandoo and Sangus areas will be affected from 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM on 09, 13 and 16 November, 2024.