Sopore: In a significant crackdown on terrorist activities, Police in Sopore have attached a double storied residential house belonging to a terror associate Aamir Rashid Lone son of Abdul Rashid Lone resident of Rasheedabad, Machipora Bomai along with land measuring 15 Marlas falling under Khasara No. 433 in Rasheedabad Estate Machipora.
The attachment was executed under the provisions of Section 25 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, after receiving approval from the competent authority. The attachment has been made in case FIR No. 26/2024, registered under Sections 18, 20, 23, 38 and 39 of the UA(P) Act, 7/25 Arms Act, at Police Station Bomai. This action reaffirms the commitment of the J&K Police to combat terrorism and disrupt the support structures that enables these nefarious activities.
The attachment of the property is a part of the ongoing efforts to choke the financial and logistical support for terrorist organizations and their enablers. This operation sends a strong message that the law enforcement agencies will not relent in their pursuit of those who seek to undermine the peace and stability of the region.