Srinagar: A significant membership drive meeting was held at the BJP headquarters at J-53, Jawahar Nagar, Srinagar, bringing together key political leaders and party members to strengthen the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) presence in Jammu and Kashmir. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Arif Raja, BJP’s Membership Incharge for Kashmir, along with Mr. Mudasir Wani, Senior Leader of the BJP.
The meeting focused on expanding the party’s outreach across the Kashmir valley, with a special emphasis on enrolling new members and engaging with the existing ones. It also discussed strategies for ensuring better communication and coordination within the party’s leadership at the district level.
Prominent leaders present at the meeting included: Adv. Sajid Yousuf Shah, Media Incharge Kashmir, Er. Sahil Bashir Social Media Incharge Kashmir, Adv. Salman IT Incharge Kashmir and Senior party leaders.
The gathering also saw the participation of District Media Incharges, District Social Media Incharges, and IT Incharges from across Kashmir Valley. The members reviewed ongoing activities, shared insights on grassroots level engagement, and deliberated on how best to mobilize support for BJP’s cause in the region.
During the session, the leadership emphasized the importance of effective communication, leveraging digital platforms, and social media to enhance the party’s reach. The meeting highlighted BJP’s commitment to furthering the democratic process and increasing its engagement with the people of Kashmir.
Key highlights of the meeting included: A strategic approach to increasing membership in Kashmir through door-to-door campaigns and online registration.
Enhanced coordination between the party’s district offices, media, social media, and IT teams for a cohesive outreach effort.
Strengthening BJP’s grassroots presence in the region, particularly focusing on youth and women’s participation.
Arif Raja expressed confidence in the success of the membership drive, stating, “The people of Kashmir have shown overwhelming support for the policies of BJP. Our drive will enable more people to be a part of the development narrative that BJP is championing across India.”
Mr. Mudasir Wani also addressed the gathering, stressing the need for dedicated efforts to expand BJP’s influence in the region, particularly through digital platforms that resonate with the younger population of Kashmir.