Mumbai: Shiv Sena MP Shrikant Shinde, who is son of Maharashtra caretaker chief minister Eknath Shinde, on Monday dismissed a report on social media as well as in electronic media that he is in the race of becoming deputy chief minister or any other ministerial berth in the state.
In a statement posted on social media X, he said, “After election results, formation of government is delayed a little and that is why so many rumours are floating around, and one is that I am going to be the deputy chief minister in the new government. I want to tell everyone that this is completely baseless and false, there is no fact in this. I already had a chance to become a minister in the Union Cabinet after Lok Sabha elections, but I chose to work for my party organisation and it is still like that. I have no desire for a position of power.”
Meanwhile, the swearing-in ceremony of new state chief minister and deputy chief ministers is going to take place on December five, which will be attended by Prime Minister Narendar Modi and others.