Jammu: In a meeting held at BJP Headquarters, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu, chaired by President Sh. Sat Sharma CA and attended by General Secretary (Organization) Sh. Ashok Koul, Leader of Opposition, Sh. Sunil Sharma, General Secretaries Dr. Devinder Manyal (Former Minister) and Adv Vibodh Gupta (former MLC), few issues were discussed and important decisions taken.
The meeting finalised the names of the party MLAs to be deputed for different assembly constituencies in Jammu and Kashmir regions, who will be available for interacting with the party activists and the general public to listen to grievances and extend help in mitigating their problems. From among these MLAs, each one of them will ensure his/her presence for at least one day in a month in the constituency for the convenience of the people of that segment.
Sh. Shakti Raj Parihar has been deputed for Banihal constituency, Er. Pawan Gupta for Ramban, Sh. Dalip Singh Parihar for Doda East, Sh. Sunil Sharma and Sh. Shagun Parihar for Inderwal, Thakur Darshan Singh for Bani, Sh. Kuldeep Dubey for Gulabgarh, Dr. Devinder Manyal and Ch. Vikram Randhawa for Chhamb, Adv. Ranbir Singh Pathania for Nagrota, Thakur Randhir Singh for Nowshera, Sh. Satish Sharma for Rajouri, Sh. Baldev Sharma and Sh. M.L.Bhagat for Budhal, Sh. Rajiv Jasrotia and Sh. Arvind Gupta for Thannamandi, Prof. Garu Ram Bhagat and Sh. Surinder Bhagat for Surankot, Dr. Narinder Singh and Dr. Rajiv Bhagat for Poonch, Sh. Chander Prakash Ganga and Sh. Yudhvir Sethi for Mendhar.
Similarly in the Kashmir region, Sh. Sham Lal Sharma and Dr. Sunil Bhardwaj will be available for the people of Kashmir North, Sh. Surjit Singh Salathia and Dr. Bharat Bhushan for Central Kashmir, Sh. Balwant Singh Mankotia and Adv Vijay Sharma for South Kashmir.
The names of the party MLAs were also decided to be available at public darbar scheduled to commence on December 16 at party headquarter, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu, to listen to the public grievances and do the needful to help them.
MLAs, Sh. Sham Lal Sharma and Sh. Mohan Lal Bhagat will listen to the public grievances on Monday, Sh. Surjit Singh Salathia, Dr. D.K.Manyal and Prof. Garu Ram Bhagat on Tuesday, Dr. Narinder Singh, Ch. Vikram Randhawa and Sh. Balwant Singh Mankotia on Wednesday, Sh. Chander Prakash Ganga, Dr. D.K.Manyal and Sh. Arvind Gupta on Thursday, Sh. Sunil Sharma, Sh. Yudhvir Sethi and Sh. Surinder Bhagat on friday.