New Delhi: Union Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju on Saturday said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi upheld the spirit of the Constitution, by giving the mantra of Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, and Sabka Prayas.”
Initiating the debate on the Constitution on the second day, Kiren Rijiju said, “India not only provides legal protection to minorities but also has provisions for affirmative action.
In an apparent jibe at the Opposition, Rijiju said, “While India has given equal voting rights to all, some claim that minorities have no rights in the country.”
“If there is oppression against the minority or some problem arises, the first country where they come to seek protection is India,” he added.
Union Minister Kiren Rijiju said a tribal woman serves as the President of India. Citing Articles 25 and 19, Rijiju says each citizen has the freedom to practise religion, and minority rights are also protected by the Constitution.
“India not only provides legal protection to minorities, it also has provision for affirmative action,” Rijiju added.
Taking a swipe at the Congress, Kiren Rijiju said, “The then Defence Minister had said that roads would not be constructed across border areas of northeastern states, so that Chinese incursion can be prevented.”
The statement triggers an uproar in Lok Sabha as Opposition MPs rise up and express their counterargument.
Citing a report of the Center for Policy Analysis of European Union, the Parliament Affairs Minister said, “48 per cent people in the European Union have been victims of discrimination. Most of them are Muslims, believers of Islam.”
“You people know what has happened to Sikhs, Hindus, and Christians in Afghanistan; whether it is a problem in Tibet or Myanmar, Sri Lanka or Bangladesh, Pakistan or Afghanistan, if there is oppression against the minority or some problem arises, the first country where they come to seek protection is India.”
The minister further added that, “Then why is it said that there is no protection for minorities in this country…I am saying that such things should not be said which harm the image of the country, I am not saying this for any one party. I am saying this for the country.”