Jammu : The Rashtriya Lok Dal party in Jammu and Kashmir is organizing a week-long celebration to commemorate the birthday of Bharat Ratna, former Prime Minister Chaudhary Charan Singh. As per the orders of the state in-charge, Mr. Vinay Pradhan, the party will conduct a weekly program called “Kisan Goshthi” in all districts, involving visits to villages and interactions with farmers.
The program will conclude on December 23, Chaudhary Charan Singh’s birthday. All district presidents, metropolitan presidents, youth wing, student council, and department presidents are requested to hold meetings, prepare an outline of the program, and inform the undersigned.
Dr. Zohar Ahmed, President of Jammu and Kashmir Rashtriya Lok Dal, has been asked to appoint state officials to each district for this program.
Additionally, the Rajasthan team of the Rashtriya Lok Dal will organize a statue installation and massive rally at Dhai Pedi in Alwar, Rajasthan, on December 23. The 122nd birth anniversary of Chaudhary Charan Singh will also be celebrated at Kisan Ghat, Delhi, by Kissan Trust.
From December 17 to 23, all respected workers and well-wishers will celebrate Kisan Diwas by visiting villages and organizing Kisan Goshthis to share their thoughts with
– Chaudhary Charan Singh was a champion of farmers’ rights and implemented various land reform policies during his tenure as Prime Minister and Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh.¹
– The Rashtriya Lok Dal party is committed to carrying forward Chaudhary Charan Singh’s legacy and working towards the welfare of farmers and rural communities. So this week will be celebrated with kissan Goshti