Srinagar: The Cyber Police Kashmir has cautioned social media influencers and YouTubers against endorsing betting apps, fake investment schemes, and fraudulent work-from-home job offers.
In an announcement shared on X, the Cyber Police as per the news agency JKNS said promoting such platforms misleads the public and constitutes a punishable offense.
“Attention Social Media Influencers & YouTubers: Refrain from promoting betting apps, fraudulent investment schemes, or fake work-from-home job offers. Such actions not only mislead the public but are also punishable under the law. @JmuKmrPolice @KashmirPolice @SrinagarPolice,” reads a tweet from Cyber Police Kashmir.
The statement reads the Cyber Police is vigilantly tracking these activities and will take strict legal action against individuals involved in advertising or endorsing such scams. Citizens are urged to act responsibly and report any suspicious activities to the authorities.–(JKNS)