Srinagar: In a heartbreaking incident, five members of a family, including a month-old infant and an 18-month-old boy, were found dead due to suffocation in Srinagar’s Pandrathan area late Sunday night, officials said.
The family, originally from Baramulla, was living in a rented house in Pandrathan.
Officials, said the tragedy occurred after the family fell unconscious due to suffocation caused by a heating appliance.
“They were rushed to the hospital, but the doctors declared all five brought dead on arrival,” they said.
The deceased have been identified as Ajaz Ahmad Bhat (38), his wife Saleema (32), and their three children—Areeb (3), Hamza (18 months), and a month-old infant.
The incident has left the local residents of Pandrathan in shock, with scenes of mourning and grief prevailing as the bodies were brought home. Investigations are underway to ascertain the exact cause of the incident.—(JKNS)