President J&k Anjuman-e-Sharie shian Aga Syed Hassan Mosavi Al-Safavi said that unity, amity and solidarity among Muslims is the message of Arbaeen.
In a Statment Aga Hassan said “an Institution of Karbala formulated a new code of life to safeguard the peace and security of human society for all the times to come…
Aga Further said Imam Hussain (a.s) had laid the foundation of the revolution with his blood. His sister Hazrat Zainab(s.a) stirred the revolution with her oratory. That revolution changed the world forever.
Aga Hassan Said “Hazrat Zainab’s role was exemplary. It showed how bold Muslim women were and how they played a key role in consolidating Islamic teachings. Today, despite so much progress and the spread of education, so many Muslim women are suppressed. In some alleged Muslim societies, a woman’s voice is banned from even being heard in public; and here was Zainab (as) from the Imam’s family who became a public speaker to save Islamic values. The leadership of the family fell to Hazrat Zainab(s.a) after Karbala, and she proved to be more than what was expected of her.”
Today, women have to learn much from her example and leadership qualities. Her public role in the battle of Karbala has much to teach us both Muslim men and women. The only way for women in general and Muslim woman in particular could pay respects to her sacrifice is by being inspired by her life to be courageous in the face of tyranny, patient in times of trouble, and submissive to the will of God. Hazrat Zainab bint Ali (as) the role model for the righteous will forever teach us all that when we undergo countless trials in our lives, we should see nothing but beauty in them. Aga Hassan concluded