Srinagar, April 12: At least 9 boys were rescued in eight-hour long rescue operation by a team of wildlife department officials in Zabarwan hills area of Srinagar. As per the officials, the group had gone for trekking and all of them hail from Nishat area of the city. Altaf Hussain, wildlife warden central division Srinagar told JKNS that group of boys was rescued and it took them 8 hours to trace them.“On Saturday, we received a call from additional Deputy Commissioner Srinagar on Saturday evening that some boys had gone into Zabarwan hills and have not returned back,” he said adding that boys had called for help. Following, the inputs, they quickly constituted a team rushed to spot and started rescue the operation,” he said. “After tracing the group, they were handed over to the local police station in presence of Regional Officer and Block Officer.” (JKNS).